class URLSession : NSObject
To import the NSURLSession
pod CancelForPromiseKit/Foundation
Or NSURLSession
is one of the categories imported by the umbrella pod:
pod CancelForPromiseKit
And then in your sources:
import PromiseKit import CancelForPromiseKit
Example usage with explicit cancel context:
let context = firstly { URLSession.shared.dataTaskCC(.promise, with: rq) }.compactMap { data, _ in try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data) as? [String: Any] }.then { json in //… }.cancelContext //… context.cancel()
Example usage with implicit cancel context:
let promise = firstly { URLSession.shared.dataTaskCC(.promise, with: rq) }.compactMap { data, _ in try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data) as? [String: Any] }.then { json in //… } //… promise.cancel()
We recommend the use of OMGHTTPURLRQ which allows you to construct correct REST requests:
let context = firstly { let rq = OMGHTTPURLRQ.POST(url, json: parameters) URLSession.shared.dataTaskCC(.promise, with: rq) }.then { data, urlResponse in //… }.cancelContext //… context.cancel()
We provide a convenience initializer for
specifically for this promise:let context = firstly { URLSession.shared.dataTaskCC(.promise, with: rq) }.compactMap(String.init).then { string in // decoded per the string encoding specified by the server }.then { string in print("response: string") } //… context.cancel()
Other common types can be easily decoded using compactMap also:
let context = firstly { URLSession.shared.dataTaskCC(.promise, with: rq) }.compactMap { UIImage(data: $0) }.then { self.imageView.image = $0 } //… context.cancel()
Though if you do decode the image this way, we recommend inflating it on a background thread first as this will improve main thread performance when rendering the image:
let context = firstly { URLSession.shared.dataTaskCC(.promise, with: rq) }.compactMap(on: QoS.userInitiated) { data, _ in guard let img = UIImage(data: data) else { return nil } _ = cgImage?.dataProvider?.data return img }.then { self.imageView.image = $0 } //… context.cancel()
See also
We deliberately don’t provide aURLRequestConvertible
because in our experience, you should be explicit with this error path to make good apps.Declaration
public func dataTaskCC(_: PMKNamespacer, with convertible: URLRequestConvertible) -> CancellablePromise<(data: Data, response: URLResponse)>
A URL or URLRequest.
Return Value
A cancellable promise that represents the URL request.
Wraps the (Data?, URLResponse?, Error?) response from URLSession.uploadTask(with:from:) as CancellablePromise<(Data,URLResponse)>
public func uploadTaskCC(_: PMKNamespacer, with convertible: URLRequestConvertible, from data: Data) -> CancellablePromise<(data: Data, response: URLResponse)>
Wraps the (Data?, URLResponse?, Error?) response from URLSession.uploadTask(with:fromFile:) as CancellablePromise<(Data,URLResponse)>
public func uploadTaskCC(_: PMKNamespacer, with convertible: URLRequestConvertible, fromFile file: URL) -> CancellablePromise<(data: Data, response: URLResponse)>
Wraps the URLSesstionDownloadTask response from URLSession.downloadTask(with:) as CancellablePromise<(URL,URLResponse)>
we force ato
parameter because Apple deletes the downloaded file immediately after the underyling completion handler returns.Declaration
public func downloadTaskCC(_: PMKNamespacer, with convertible: URLRequestConvertible, to saveLocation: URL) -> CancellablePromise<(saveLocation: URL, response: URLResponse)>