CancelForPromiseKit CoreLocation Extensions

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The CancelForPromiseKit CoreLocation Extensions add cancellable promises to PromiseKit’s CoreLocation extensions.

Here’s a link to the Jazzy generated API documentation.


pod "PromiseKit/CoreLocation", "~> 6.0"
pod "CancelForPromiseKit/CoreLocation", "~> 1.0"

The extensions are built into PromiseKit.framework thus nothing else is needed.


github "PromiseKit/CoreLocation" ~> 3.0
github "CancelForPromiseKit/CoreLocation" ~> 1.0

The extensions are built into their own framework:

// swift
import PromiseKit
import CancelForPromiseKit
import CPKCoreLocation

To build with Carthage on versions of Swift prior to 4.1, set the ‘Carthage’ flag in your target’s Build settings at the following location. This is necessary to properly import the PMKCoreLocation module, which is only defined for Carthage:

TARGETS -> [Your target name]:
    'Swift Compiler - Custom Flags' -> 'Active Compilation Conditions' -> 'Debug'
    'Swift Compiler - Custom Flags' -> 'Active Compilation Conditions' -> 'Release'